For a while now I've been feeling like there are no companies out there who actually care about the environment, or us for that matter. Almost every class period we hear more and more about how our system of getting our products to us is flawed. It got me wondering if there are any big companies out there trying to make a difference or if they are just out there trying to make a buck. I came across a site that announces that they have found America's "Top 10 Greenest Companies". If there's anything I've learned I've learned from this class it's to be critical of these kinds of clams, but I can't help but think that at least they're doing something right to get noticed. So check them out, see what you think.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Share and Voice: America's most environmentally friendly companies
For a while now I've been feeling like there are no companies out there who actually care about the environment, or us for that matter. Almost every class period we hear more and more about how our system of getting our products to us is flawed. It got me wondering if there are any big companies out there trying to make a difference or if they are just out there trying to make a buck. I came across a site that announces that they have found America's "Top 10 Greenest Companies". If there's anything I've learned I've learned from this class it's to be critical of these kinds of clams, but I can't help but think that at least they're doing something right to get noticed. So check them out, see what you think.
Share and Voice: Eco-Friendly Coffee

I've been hearing a lot about organic coffee lately but I never really thought much about it. I never really been exposed to anything like it. I know down in the cities there are a few places that carry it and it's a big hit. I thought that I've never been exposed to it until someone mentioned in class that we have it hear at UMD! So I decided to look into it. Why should we all decide to drink organic coffee??? I found this site that explains everything. Check it out!
Monday, November 29, 2010
Eye Opener: Photo Essay
For my photo essay I chose to share pictures of my apartments recycling. We usually split our recycling into two brown paper bags. In the bags are cardboard and paper and then aluminum and glass bottles. After sorting these bags, we have to then take it to our apartment complex's recycling drop off. I chose to share about recycling because it forced me to think about recycling, something that I often time forget about. Sometimes I find myself throwing things away that could be put in the recycling so it's good to remind myself sometimes.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Eco-chic Lifestyle Change Week 3: Weekly Update
1) Goal: I will shower less than 10 minutes everyday. I achieved this goal by setting a timer for 9 minutes each day. I try very hard everyday to try to be out of the shower by the time it goes on off.
2) I was pretty successful all week. A challenge I faced however, was to try and stick to the time despite having to shave. This posses a problem but I made it work. I only went over my goal once this past week and it was due to this issue. I would say that i accomplished my goal 6 out of 7 days which I'm putting in my win column.
3) I would say that i feel like I've made a small accomplishment each day when I reach my goal. I also feel very efficient. As far as dealing with these feelings, I guess there's not much to deal with because it's all good stuff.
4) I learned that even though 10 minutes started off as a challenge, less than that is just as manageable. I didn't think that I would be able to go less than 10 but it's possible, you just have to get used to showering quickly.
5) My goal for next week is to shower no more than 9 minutes each day. Before my goal was to just get below 10 minutes so I went a minute under. I think that this small change will challenge me just enough.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Advocacy Project: Issue Overview
- The issue is that many American's are being affected by smoking and secondhand smoke, increasing their risk of disabilities, illnesses and death.
- One piece of legislation that might help a subgroup of individuals is H.R. 4105 Healthy Air for Federal Workers Act.
- Anyone who is around smokers or who smokes themselves are affected by this issue.
- Ultimately, the tobacco industry is the only one who losses or any company that makes revenue off of the sale of tobacco. They will be losing the profits that they would gain from federal workers smoking on the job.
- By passing this legislation government employees will gain basically fresh air, as well as the families that are surrounded by these employees. This newly found fresh air will be free of cigarette smoke that has been known to cause negative health effects.
- Those who are most effected have been seeing rising levels of death and diseases due to this smoke inhalation and secondhand smoke. The consequesnces are simply disease and illness. Passage of this legislation however will mean healthier people with lower rates of illness.
- Families are also effected by the smoke that workers bring home on their clothing. This secondhand smoke effects their health as well, also increasing their risk of death and disease from the smoke. The proposed legislation would help these individuals as well.
- Society is being affected by smokers. Like the saying goes, if one person smokes, we all smoke. If someone is around an individual who smokes, they are being exposed to secondhand smoke or even third hand smoke! As stated before, this increases risk for many diseases and death. By passing this bill, there would be a decrease in exposure to such smoke inhalation, positively effecting society as a whole.
- Everyone bears the cost of this issue. There are many costs to this issue, the most saddening is life. According to, between 1964 and 2004 smoking caused approximately 12 million deaths. Most of these deaths were either from Cardiovascular disease or cancer. In conjucntion to such illnesses, there are also huge financial costs as well. It is estimated that smoking costs society about $100 billion annually.
- There are a few groups of people that benefit from this issue: the tobacco industry and possibly insurance companies with clients that are finding themselves fighting the effects of smoking. Compared to the economic costs of smoking, society does get some money back by the taxation of tobacco products.
- Social cost of this issue directly effect the family and friends of smokers and those experiencing secondhand smoke. Often time the cost is life of the loved one. If the individual is lucky, they may only walk away with a illness accosiated to smoking. Often the family is left to care for them, laying a heavy impact on everyone.
- It's hard to find something good out of a bad situation. I would say that something positive would be that families may spend more time with the individual effected if they develop disease due to smoking or exposure to smoke. If this legislation does pass however, there will be many social gains. Individuals will lead more productive lives and have more active lifestyles, contributing positively to society.
- The barriers for this issue is getting legislation passed. Many individuals feel that it's their "right" to smoke where ever they want. That might be the case if they are not effecting anyone, but the fact that the matter is that their actions have been known to cause cancer! I think that that's when it's more than acceptable to involve the law, however the problem may be that we need to convince more that this is the case.
- Perhaps it's my optimism, but I feel that education is the key. We need to educate individuals that 1)smoking kills and 2) smoking negatively effects EVERYONE. No one wants to see their loved ones die, and although many Americans are very intelligent, I think that fear and lack of knowledge cause them to make less than impressive decisions. By educating the public about smoking issues I feel like they would be more inclined to make better decisions about smoking and voting to decrease smoking effects.
- The best resource we can have for this issue is more legislation to protect those individuals who don't smoke and don't want the harmful effects. Breath-free UMD set a good example being a resource of regulation here at UMD. Another resource is educating individuals not to smoke in the first place. Without smokers, there would be no need for laws on smoking.
- These resources can be tapped by teachers. These are the individuals that have the opportunity to educate students. I also feel that more money is needed for quit smoking commercials to gain awareness. Along with this work site promotion can be tapped, giving employees a places to turn to for support with quitting as well as a place to educate employees.
- History of the and addressing the issue.
- 1492: Columbus discovered tobacco.
- 1683: Massachusetts passes America's first smoking ban. Passed to prevent individuals from smoking outside however. Money made from tickets were then used to buy equipment for fire-fighting.
- 1900: Washington, Iowa, Tennesse and North Dakota outlaw cigarette sales.
- 1971: Tobacco commercials are banned from airing on television.
- September 30, 2007: Minnesota passes it's smoking ban, outlawing smoking in any public area or place with more than 1 person in it.
- Basically, the results are slow progress. Since tobacco was introduced society has gone from thinking it has no effects, to realizing the effects, to know doing something about it. I think that it will take time, but change is happening.
- Not very many people in America would support the issue of smoke and secondhand smoke causing health issues in American's. I think that the tobacco company is the only one that's going to be disapointed if bill's such as the one I propose or one's similar get passed. An estimated 77% of Minnesotan's favored Minnesota's Smoke-free law in 2008. I think that many American's are on board to a smoke-free future.
- According to the statistic above, I feel that a huge majority of the country would be on board with this bill if they knew about it. I think that a majority of the public are opposed to the issue of secondhand smoke and smoke inhalation effecting us. No one wants to breath that kind of air, unless you love dingy festering air.
- I think that just by getting the word out of this bills and one's similar can help this bill gain a lot of momentum. I don't think that there is much to be done with a compromise. I just don't think that as a health education student I would feel good about compromising with a tobacco company. The issue is illness, and there should be no compromise, just doing what is right.
- I feel that policy makers should vote YES on H.R. 4105 Healthy Air for Federal Workers Act! Prohibit the smoking of tobacco in government locations!
Friday, November 19, 2010
Share and Voice: Mercury Concerns

After looking for quite a while for something to share, I kept coming across sites talking about mercury poisoning. This sparked my interest. I feel like it's not something I hear about on a daily basis, or even monthly for that matter. If your anything like me, you have almost no idea what this problem entails or risks. After searching and searching I finally found a good site that answers all the mercury questions I could possibly think of! Check it out, I hope that this interests you as much as it did me!
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Share & Voice: Thanksgiving Travels

Hi everyone!
With thanksgiving just around the corner I just wanted to remind everyone that rather than driving home in your own car there is still the option to take the bus! Often times people forget that UMD has a great bus service provided by the Jefferson Line. You can buy tickets right at the UMD street level store for a very reasonable price (usually for around $25) or you can get them online. It's great for the environment, think about how many cars that takes off the road! Or if that's not an option you can always try car pooling! Or maybe take it over Christmas??? :D
Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 2: Weekly Update

1) Goal: I am going to shower no more than 10 minutes everyday. I do this by each day setting a timer on my phone before I just in the shower for 10 minutes. I try to be out of the shower by the time this timer goes off. I do this to ensure that I'm meeting my goal.
2) It's actually a pretty reasonable goal. The timer is really the key to the goal, it really keeps me on track and it reminds me of what Im trying to accomplish everyday. I face a problem with my goal when I am tired in the morning because it's hard for me to keep on a tight schedule so early. As I stated the timer also helps, but I also have started to drink coffee before hand so I'm more inclined to stick to schedule because I'm more awake.
3) I don't associate this goal with any strong feelings although I do feel a bit of accomplishment each day when I complete my mission.
4) I learned that despite liking to take long showers and feeling like its a must, it's really not. Its easy enough to take a quick shower and more over it helps me stay on schedule when getting ready in the morning. I also learned that there's really no excuse to not taking quick showers, and it's helpful for the environment.
5) I'm basically going to stick to the same goal except change the time limit. I will now be trying to do a sub 10 minute goal. I'm going to aim for 9 minutes this week and then take it from there. I feel that this is manageable because I already have enough time as is.
Blogged by the Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 2 hosted by Amy@ Amy In The Rain
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Advocacy Project: Healthy People/THOMAS

1) Focus Area 27: Tobacco Use
- Goal: to reduce illness, disability, and dealth related to tobacco use and exposure to second hand smoke.
- Objective: 27-10 Reduce the proportion of non-smokers exposed to environmental tobacco smoke.
- Target of objective have been met. According to the quotient chart, by 136%
- Objectives met by 136%
- Group with the best rate was Hispanic/Latino. From what I gathered from the disparity table Black non-Hispanics then followed.
- There was no data available in regards to gender and education. Like wise income was not documented.
- Lack of data seems to be the main concern, spanning all the way from toxins to consumption levels. Smokeless tobacco items such as hookah have not been researched properly leading consumers to believe that they have no health risks associated with them. The internet poses concerns as well, making tobacco to easy to get into anyone's hands.
- Sponsor: Rep. Engel, Eliot L.
- Latest Action: 1/4/2010 Referred to House subcommittees
- Recommended Vote: Yes on Healthy Air for Federal Workers Act! :)
- Political Representative: Ron Kind (D)
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 1- My Smart Goal

1) SMART Goal: I am going to cut down on the time it takes me to shower to 10 minutes or less starting today.
2) I think that this is good for the environment because we should be trying to conserve our water not waste it. There's really no need to take a 20 minute shower or more, when you can just get in and out in half the time. Not being wasteful is something we should all strive for.
3) I choose this goal because I often find myself taking too long in the shower, not only does it throw off my schedule for getting ready but it's just throwing a bunch of fresh water down the drain. I think that it's a habit that I need to break myself from because I now know how important water is from watching bottled.
4) As of today, I'm on the right track!
Blogged for the Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 1 hosted by Amy@Amy in the Rain.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Advocacy Project: My Political Representitive

*All information was retrieved from the linked source!
President: Barack Obama (D)
1600 Pennsylvania Ave Washington, DC 20500
Comments # (202)456-1111
Congressmen: Ron Kind (D)
131 S. Barstow St. Suite 301
Eau Claire, WI 54701
Governor: Scott Walker (R)
1233 N. Mayfair Road Suite 301
Wauwatosa, WI 53210
Legislator: Ann Hraychuck (D)
Room 6 North
State Capitol P.O. Box 8952
Madison, WI 53708
County Board(St. Croix): ????
Didn't seem to have a president, just a group of 7.
Government Center 1101
Carmicheal Road Hudson, WI 54016
New Richmond City Mayor: Fred Horne (?)
156 E. 1st Street New Richmond, WI 54017
(715) 246-4268
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Reflection: Weeks 5-8

Boy, how time flies!
Most of our class time is devoted to watching documentaries. Typically I'm not very liking of this sort of learning, but I can honestly say that I have learned a lot from this! I really enjoy watching the movies. We watched Tapped, Green and Fresh. These videos greatly effected me, and I'm going to be sharing these with my friends and my family especially. Green and Fresh really hit home to me because my family farms.
In class we also talked about junking. I totally understand the concept of it and I think it's fantastic for those who need to buy things. I however don't buy ANYTHING other than food because being a college kids thats all I can afford at this point. Perhaps once I have a grown up job and making more money I will be living more freely and will maybe even find it fun to "junk" but I just don't have a need for anything right now. Im really living as a minimalist at this point, although not by choice.
I really have been affected by this class. Almost all of the movies I felt like crying when watching them, it really hit me. I can honestly say that I will make an effort not to use as much plastic as possible and to eat organically. It's really hard to eat local and organically right now for me, but I try as hard as possible since watching everything and being in on the discussions. I find myself becoming more and more concerned with the environment which is something I've never been able to save before.
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