Monday, November 29, 2010

Eye Opener: Photo Essay

Our regular garbage. Looks like I should remind one of my roommates to recycle their cardboard box!
This is our cardboard bin. It's typically a bag but we've been finding ourselves with a ton of cardboard to get rid of lately.

This is just a picture of our aluminum and plastic bottles.

For my photo essay I chose to share pictures of my apartments recycling. We usually split our recycling into two brown paper bags. In the bags are cardboard and paper and then aluminum and glass bottles. After sorting these bags, we have to then take it to our apartment complex's recycling drop off. I chose to share about recycling because it forced me to think about recycling, something that I often time forget about. Sometimes I find myself throwing things away that could be put in the recycling so it's good to remind myself sometimes.


  1. Looks like you do a pretty good job recycling, other than that roommate not recycling that cardboard. We also have a recycling bin at our house. Keep up the good work.

  2. I agree that it is easy to forget to recycle. I didn't grow up recycling because we lived in the middle of no where and there was not a recycling center. Actually, the center in the nearby town that we would typically drop off our cans at just closed so I would have to drive 40 minutes to turn in recylcable items. I do the same thing you do with brown paper bags and recycling. It does keep us all accountable because if it is sitting right next to the garbage, why not recycle?

  3. I did my photo essay about recycling as well. I think recycling is important, however sometimes I throw away recycable items. I really want to make a change and recycle more.

  4. Lots of people did recycling...It's difficult to keep up on, especially if you don't have a recycle service that takes care of separating it for you. We've been working at trying to recycle much much more at our house now.

  5. This was interesting when you shared this in class. I did my photo essay to something similar to this. Recycling is really important and a good habit to get into.
